Thursday, August 30, 2007

Prayer Request

Hello friends. I hope that you do not mind that I am posting a prayer request here. My little one (Bethany) needs some prayers. Her spirits are very high; so I am not worried about that. However she has scolosis and it is severe - 41%.

However, we have her up at the Cleveland Clinic and they are doing a fantastic job. We have gone through the x-rays, the test and have been fitted for a cast. It will be a cast from the pelvis to the arm pits. She will have to wear it for 16-20 hours a day - most likely for the next 8 +/- years.

We have been hit with a lot in the last few months.


Craig LaSuer said...

Wow. Thanks Jeff for letting us know about Bethany. You all have indeed been through a lot. We will pray. Keep us updated.

Shalom to you all!

Kent said...

Jeff you and your family our in our prayers and tell them we love the. I miss Bethany's picture she used to draw for me.

Tom McCool said...

Jeff, I mentioned this to several people at CUMC, including my Sunday School class, Carrie, and Judy Wright. We are praying for your family.

Thoughts From Jeff said...


Thanks. I appreciate it.