Saturday, September 01, 2007

Sound Doctrine?!

I want us all to have sound doctrine.
Except I can't remember what it is.
Oh yeah, how and be loved by God.
How about ....keep seeking to follow the wild and crazy rabbi
wherever he leads and however he desires us to further the Rule of Love.
Perhaps it is resting and trusting in the amazing, beautiful
grace, protection, and abundant life of the Life Giver.
Is this doctrine? I don't know. It is that to which I give my life.
Maybe too it's demonstrated in the horse who serves the farmer for the work to be done.
And it just might be the music sung by the chorus bringing healing to the weary soul.
It is the chance to teach - oh how I cherish teaching The Way!
It is being light to the world just as the sun warms, makes the earth beautiful, and gives life.
I'm watching you closely to make sure you don't believe something I don't approve of.
Just kidding! Instead always know that forgiveness, reconciliation, mercy, and oh yeah, the very underrated gift of something called Mystery, are celebrated in the kingdom of God.
I guess that to me these things are....sound doctrine.

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