Sunday, August 13, 2006

Down By The River There Was A Spark

Well, tonight, Joy, Jamie, and I walked down to the river and settled in the gazebo. We then began our first worship and discipleship experience of this new kind of God community.

First, there was a brief word on the Word from the pastor. (Joy asked me which one of us was going to be the pastor....good question..probably don't need one.)

Secondly, we had a time of Quaker silence.....being silent and seeing if anything good surfaces to share. There was.

Next, Joy sang a simple song. That ended the worship, and the discipleship part began.

We first discussed who we are as an emergent community and who we are not....what we believe and what we don't. It seems very important to me in a new kind of church to have this kind of conversation or pondering often and up front kind of like what people in AA do.

Lastly, Joy and I remembered and discussed the 9 ways of Jesus living. This probably took the longest, and we finished as we walked along the river.

So these are the first ingredients in the new soup we are cooking. They include:

Simple worship.

Defining and discussing who we are as an emerging kind of church.

Using the 9 fold Jesus path as our guide.

p.s. When we got home, Joy sang, "It only takes a spark to get a fire going." I wonder if this is that kind of spark.


dan said...

Is this group anywhere near Bluffton, Indiana? I am just north of Ossian (Yoder). Stumbled upon your sight on the Emergent Village site.
dan h.

Craig LaSuer said...


We're scattered. I live in Marion...some are in Lafayette.....Elwood ....etc.

I used to pastor sort of near you in Zanesville.


Craig LaSuer said...

greg, I love that idea what the community has come up with!

Joy and I are planning on continuing to meet on Sunday nights at 7:00. Everyone is invited. Just email me at to let me know.