Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Another Honest Psalm

I miss my friends!
But I love you God.

I've got a cool job, yet I have done something completely different the last 25 years...and this is really wierd!
But I do thank you for the good stuff that hasn't changed and the new challenge.

I am afraid of death!
But I'm going to live in this moment right now.

I don't have a local church community, and you guys take it for granted just like I did!
But Joy Ellen and I are going to try and start one.



Craig LaSuer said...

I didn't intend to be mean about "you guys taking the local church for granted." It is just that I am one without a local church now and I miss the relationships. And yet it is a good opportunity to think through starting one from scratch. I love you all!

Tom McCool said...

I understood what you meant, Craig. Yes, we do take for granted our home churches and what they meant to us and our lives. And I miss you too, Craig! But I am also excited about what I might now learn from Pastor Jim, and what impact he may have on my life as you have impacted (and continue to impact) my life. And I'm excited about the what new directions of faith Christ Church may go. As you have started on a new leg of your journey, so has Christ Church. Journeys with the same destination, always, to Christ.