Sunday, February 11, 2007

Shalom Church

So, I've decided to start a new church called Shalom Church. We will begin Saturday March 10th. It is taking the place of the cohort. At this point the church will gather once a month just like the cohort and have many of the same characteristics. I've moved it to Saturday nights so some of my old friends from Warren can come be a part. I have no idea what will happen with this. It will be real small. But I must do this...kind of like a mother having a baby.(sorry ladies...I know I have no idea what I'm talking about!)

More details later. Life is an adventure!

Peace to you all.


Thoughts From Jeff said...

I will be interested to see how things go for you in this new adventure.

May God continue to bless everything that you are doing.

Craig LaSuer said...

Thanks Jeff. Right now I think there's two of us...myself and I'm pretty sure Jesus is involved.

Trevor Harden said...

How exciting... blessings on your new adventure.