Friday, February 09, 2007

More Thoughts About A New Church

I write continuing to consider the starting of a new church. First of all, my major work would of course continue to be the Marion DS which I cherish. Secondly, even if I don't start a new church, this experience of thinking it through with some friends is a helpful process, as I am always seeking to clarify the deepest meanings of our reason for being.

My last blog stated that one of our core values in this new church would be 'THE FREEDOM TO THINK.' This is obviously not a core value in many churches and perhaps it shouldn't have to be. But it was important in my last church to a certain extent and would have to be a clearly stated value in a new community. This would probably be one of several core values that the community could discover together.

Now on to what the mission of the church might be. I would like to give an overview now and discuss each in greater detail later.

I see only three components of our life together.
***The first is that we would go about understanding the nature of and living out together of 'CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY.' Now any of us who have been part of churches understand what this is basically about. When I think of Christian community and my churches, I think of names of people who have been my closest brothers and sisters in the faith and on the journey, groups which I've been a part of for growing spiritually,having fun and fellowship, discussing our journey together and learning more about the faith, and all the countless people who have found Hope and Power and Connection to God. I think the one piece that churches always struggle with is how to make sure no one falls through the cracks in staying connected to the community. This would need to be considered carefully up front! Plus, it would be good for those thinking through the idea of a church just what Christian community means to them at this point in their journey. It might involve considering what our 'common religious life and order' might be.

***Our second reason for being would be to assist and encourage each other to keep going on the journey of BECOMING LIKE JESUS...that is becoming more of a servant, a healer, one living out God's will, one reaching out to the outsiders, forgiving folks, etc. This involves consistently examining the life of Jesus and figuring out what that means for our lives.

*** Thirdly, our mission would be the main mission of Jesus which was to PROCLAIM THROUGH OUR LIVES THE GOOD NEWS THAT GOD'S RULE OF LOVE IS AT HAND IN THE WORLD. We do this through our work and all the places out there in which we find ourselves. We may feel called to do some of this together as a community.

One final piece for those folks pondering this whole idea is about what the role of THE PASTOR would be. As I ponder this, I think of a book by Donovan called Rediscovering Christianity. He was a missionary priest in Africa reaching out to the Zulu Tribe and at the same time discovering himself what was truly important in the faith and church and what was not. As he left them to take on this work for themselves, he asked them the question of what would be the job description of the person who they were considering doing Donovan's job. They said that person's task would be to SHEPHERD the whole movement and mission of this particular religious a sense to help hold the community and the mission together. I like that understanding.

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