Friday, February 02, 2007

I am sitting in a recliner.
I am wearing a wet cotton face mask over my medicated wounded skin to create more wholeness and healing.
I am at peace. My heart and mind and soul are not wounded.
The family was briefly together today. We ate lunch at Applebees. The waiter poured water into our glasses by holding the water container about two feet above the glass while pouring. He said his daughter, named Autumn Day, imitated this action by using a gallon of milk and a glass. Her dad had to clean it up.
Walter Mayer died this week. He could preach like no other and was a true human being.
Josh is coming to Marion to watch the Colts beat the Bears!
I am taking a beloved pastor out of his church Monday night because he is ready to move on. I'm a little scared. But Joy reminds me that it is about the church bringing in and bringing on the kingdom. I think they'll be able to do that with the new pastor.
Know that God loves you. That life is good. That you are making a difference. And that God will make clear to us the paths we are to walk while on Grandmother earth.


Becca said...

Craig, hope you are doing well.
Very sorry you couldn't be at our church yesterday...

It was heartbreaking. I'm a little bit of a mess, and I don't even know how to exress it. I've never been on this side of it sucks:)

I would love to chat with you sometime, when you're available.


Craig LaSuer said...


I'm so sorry I couldn't be there with you all. I'm hoping to get some answers here at Mayos.

I know the pain of losing the relationship with staff, and I'm sorry your heart is hurting so much. I've been praying for God's Peace to be with you all.

I would like to chat with you. I'll contact you when I get home.