Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hey, keep your wits about you, God's Kingdom is at hand.
It may come in the form of God's steadfast love, joy and peace.
Perhaps it will arrive as a moment for you to serve in just the right way.
You never know when it will show up.
It could be like what happened to Joy and I
when we were walking in the woods yesterday, and all of a sudden, three deer ran by.

It might be an opportunity to forgive and reconcile.
It might be a brand new understanding that you weren't ready for until now.
There is a Rule of Love....a Mission of God that is emerging on the earth
and inviting us to join forces with.

I invite you to re-read the book of Matthew.
It has one main theme and that is that
the Kingdom of God is at hand. And all the rest of the book describes that Kingdom and how Jesus and his students help bring about God's Rule of Love.

God's Kingdom...ready to emerge
in our hearts,
our relationships,
our churches,
our communities,
and our world.

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