Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New Pill

Ok, here's the latest.
Dad's doctor called in a new med today that might be able to help papa deal with the intensified Alzheimers. He is supposed to take this pill every afternoon. He has, at times, fought taking his pills. So Jay is taking this new pill over today to start. If this works, it may help us all hold on for a while. Please pray that he takes his afternoon meds...these magic pills of science...and God's goodness. Thank you!


Tom McCool said...


I hope things work out. Here is a video that came in 3rd in a contest on YouTube. I hope you like it.

My Name is Lisa

Craig LaSuer said...

Too real and close for me. I cried. But....it was beautiful and good to see. I love you Tom.....and dad...and mom.....and my family....and the tough shit we move through together with the One. May God bless today all the people dealing with .........
One day at a time sweet Jesus.