Friday, December 14, 2007

Blessed Be the Wounds That Bind

David had knee surgery three days ago, and he has been mending in our home. Today David and I tried to change his dressing which needed it very badly when something very strange happened. We discovered that his incision had opened up quite a bit. We tried to tape it back up but quickly realized we were way over our head. So, we drove back to Lafayette where Dr. Hagin could stitch up the wound. My boy, who is actually a grown man attending the University of Chicago, was quite scared and needed help from his papa. (I was kind of freaking out too!)As we drove to Lafayette we had a wonderful conversation about his classes and all sorts of good stuff, and on the way home, we were thankful for everything working out and for our relationship. David's wound coming apart led to our binding together.

I find that in my life my own woundedness leads to a binding together with the One who shines glorious Light into my soul, and then I am invited by that same One to share that light with others...another connection created. By the way, I'm not necessarily celebrating being wounded! I'm all for folks finding healing and new beginnings, and that's for sure. I just see that mysterious and beautiful connections happen in the midst of people experiencing brokeness.

I love you God. Thank you for it all... including the things that come apart and how those same things can bind us together with each other and with You.

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