Friday, November 30, 2007

Jesus by Marcus Borg

I finally finished Borg's book on Jesus! Besides not having the time to read as much as I would like, I have to take my time when I read Borg. I find that I re-read sections in order to fully understand Borg's message, and sometimes I find that Borg's writing causes me to really think about my faith and my relationship to Jesus. So I read section, re-read it, and think about it. That takes some time!

Anyway.... I don't always agree with Borg but there is a lot I am in agreement with him. Sometimes I find it amusing. Several times in the book he writes of the literal vs. metaphorical interpretion of the Bible, then says, "But who cares! Let's talk about what the Bible is trying to teach us!" Christians really need to get beyond trying to "prove" the Bible and start living it; get beyond doctrine and start practicing the Jesus Way.

The best chapter of the book is the epilogue. Borg describes the current state of Christianity perfectly. Without criticizing, he has a good grasp of conservative evangelical Christianity and the emerging Christian conversation. It's obvious Borg prefers the latter, and he lays any blame for the current state of what the public perceives as Christianity at the feet of the current crop of self-appointed evangelical Christian "leaders" who dominate the public forum. Christianity has lost its way, Borg says, due in a large part to the unholy alliance with politics.

My Sunday school class is reading Isaiah. Last Sunday we read the first chapter. Isaiah is laying out the charges against the Jewish people. He says that God is not interested in their sacrifices, rituals and offerings as prescribed by the Law. Even though Isaiah compares the Jewish people to Sodom and Gommorah, it's not sexual sin that has led them astray, but their lack of social justice. In verses 16 and 17, Isaiah lays out the charges.
16 Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, 17 learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. (NIV)

That sums up how Borg interprets the message of Jesus throughout the book, and it is a call to all Christians to assess their faith and begin living the Jesus Way.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

True Self

***I hate the Iraq war but the soldiers are heroes to me.
***I find it so cool that someone's life can be going freaking crazy, but their soul stays good. Not all the time but lots of the time. It's a God thing.
***I am really enjoying and looking forward to Christmas as a beautiful time, but when I was pastoring there were so many things I had to be a part of that it got way too busy, crowded, and overwhelming. All the things were individually good and important but put together, way, way too much. Now my soul feels spacious enough to embrace and receive Christ in a simple manner. Somehow big churches need to simplify or give people, as well as the pastor, permission to not be involved in everything. I don't know, I may be wrong.
***I went to one of my churches tonight who has six people part of the community. They minister to each other and the help each other be inspired to carry on as people of God. I affirmed them as well as challenged them. BUT THEY ARE A CHURCH! I HEAR SO MUCH NEGATIVE STUFF ABOUT SMALL CHURCHES. WHAT ABOUT JESUS AND THE 12?!
***The Republican debate is on tonight. We're watching a movie instead.
***Life is so beautiful, rich, and deep I almost can't bear it.
***I desire to be my true self and walk the path meant for me.

Monday, November 26, 2007

August Rush

Last night, I went en familia to see August Rush, the movie about a child music prodigy trying to find his parents. August is able to hear musical rhythms in everyday sounds, like noisy plumbing, the wind rustling in the grass, street noises in the city. As an orphan, he has never been musically trained, but when he runs away to find his parents, he learns to play guitar, piano, and write music, attends Julliard, writes a symphony, and is scheduled to conduct the New York Philharmonic - all within six months.

One week ago, I watched a Rob Bell video with our base group about getting in tune with the everyday rhythm of God, and that video was in my mind as I watched the movie. August says that the music he hears in his head is like someone calling out to him. Wizard (a street musician who later tries to manipulate August) tells August that music is everywhere but not everyone is listening, and that music binds us all together. I thought about the kingdom of God, how it is everywhere, and how as Rob Bell says we must strive to find God's rhythm in our lives.

Later in the movie August finds sanctuary in an inner-city church which underscored the spirituality of the movie. If you get a chance to see this movie you should.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Light and Love

We had two wonderful Thanksgiving gatherings.
Joy's family gathered at our home on Thursday,
and my family gathered at Nolt's Amish restaurant on Friday.
And as my dad says, when it works, family is a good thing.
For us, it's working.
Tonight, Shalom Community is gathering for our thanksgiving meal and conversation.
Another kind of family.
It was so wonderful having David and Rachel home this week.
Our grown up kids sharing life and love together.
The light is beautiful this evening. It's almost dusk.
My soul is well....and life is good
yet I realize that it is only because of the Light of God and the love of people
that this is true.
OK, off for a walk with Joy and Jamie.
It's late now and I'm watching the show on vh1 about Bob Dylan.
Our gathering tonight was rich and good with our deep spirited friends.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Shalom Community

Shalom Community, an Emergent Cohort, will gather this Saturday night the 24th at 5:30 at the LaSuer home in Marion (711 W. Buckingham)for a simple thanksgiving meal and a time of deep spirited conversation. All welcome!

Friday, November 16, 2007


Home sweet home,
even though my skin is worse than before I left
and yet I am hope-full.
And back with the love of my life.
Thanksgiving is next week
and looking forward so much to being with family.
I had a moment of true panic the other day as I considered the end of my life
and in my fear I cried out the question whether The Jesus Way
had any damn relevance to the pounding of my heart and the fear of the unknown.
I immediately heard a clear, strong voice which said,
"Now is the only moment, and love is the only choice!"

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Ministry of Mayo

Leaving for Mayo Clinic Thursday am to hopefully be hospitalized for a few days.
I've been going since I was 18 years old. It is a remarkable place and people.
It is where I, and countless others from around the country and the world,
find healing and hope.
It was founded by doc Mayo, a nun, and the doc's two boys.
I pray that you will continue to receive healing and hope, and that together,
we might offer the same to the broken around us.
And remember what often seems to be small endeavors or beginnings, can in the end,
have a major impact of love and beauty for people and the world.

Friday, November 02, 2007

The Jesus Way - My Theology For Today

The Ways Jesus Lived and Taught That Can Guide Our Lives

Jesus Way 1: Transformation and Ongoing Relationship with God and Christ

Jesus fully embraced the first of the commandments which is to love God with all our heart, mind, and strength. Jesus kept his relationship with God strong and alive. He would go out early in the morning to the desert and pray. Some Biblical ways of this being expressed are: Jesus said he was the Vine and we are the branches; being born again; having eyes to see and ears to hear; receiving resurrection power; the stories in Luke 15 of being lost and then found. Some practical ways to be transformed include: praying in many different ways; meeting God in the scriptures; being grateful and experiencing the wonder of life; living in the presence of God; worship; reading.

Jesus Way 2: Doing God’s Will With Our Lives

The Lord’s Prayer says,”Your will be done, Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” I think doing God’s will is about matching up our particular gifts and passions with the desires and will of God. And Jesus said again and again that the desire of God is to bring about God’s kingdom, or God’s dream, for people’s lives and the world. The “micro” part of doing God’s will is doing our daily tasks as God would have us to do them. The “macro” part is to live out God’s intention for our lives ,or as a friend of mine says, our gift(s) to the world. Jesus said, “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister.”(Matthew 12:50) Sometimes we are called to put God’s will before our own. Jesus said in the garden before going to the cross, ”Not my will but Yours be done.” {Share quotes from Shawchuck/Job book p. 344,355}

Jesus Way 3: The Way of Faith

This is trusting in the goodness, love, and power of God in the midst of the stress and craziness of life. Jesus said if you keep the main thing the main thing, doing the will of God, that God will take care of the stuff we stress out so much about. He was getting at this reality of trusting God when he taught us to pray, “Give us the bread we need for today.” This trust involves believing-even relaxing a little- and knowing that God will make a way for us to live our lives. For example, I trust that God will help me care for my parents, continue in good relationship with our children, do my job, and walk into his future for me. Sometimes though we lose this faith and trust for a while and need to be honest with God about that and also trust others to carry us to the God who wishes to love us. A prayer my wife Joy and I would pray is, “I believe in that which is infinite – that which is Yes! I believe. Help my unbelief.” A text to look at is Matthew 6:25-34.

Jesus Way 4: Offering Healing To The Broken and Outcasts

Jesus seems to have spent very much time and energy bringing God’s healing presence to the sick and suffering. We can do this through prayer, presence, listening, music, joy and laughter, respect, touch, medicine, and much more. Healing can also involve peace-making between those who are estranged. It can also involve bringing healing to all of God’s creation. Jesus Christ said, “Go to the lost and confused right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously. (Matthew 10:5-8 The Message)

Jesus Way 5: Being a Servant

Jesus spoke a lot about being servants – not to seek power and prestige but to seek to serve and do our part with God to make a difference. St. Francis used to pray, “Who are You my dearest Lord, and who am I but Your useless servant.” Examples of servanthood include getting your spouse a cup of coffee, picking up something that someone dropped, and helping others get done what they are trying to get done. Jesus said, “You’ve observed how godless rulers throw their weight around, how quickly a little power goes to their heads. It’s not going to be that way with you. Whoever wants to become great must become a servant. Whoever wants to become first among you, must be your slave. That is what the Son of Man has done. He came to serve and then to give away his life in exchange for the many who are held hostage. (Matthew 20:28)

Jesus Way 6: Being in a Community of Love, Support, and Mission

Jesus had a tight knit small group in which learning, living together, and preparation and accountability for their mission to the world happened. We need to be a part of groups of people where we find and give love, fellowship, inspiration, challenge, and power to be who we’re called to be. Jesus said, “If you have gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care – then do me a favor. Agree with each other, love each other, be deep spirited friends. Put yourself aside and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand. (Philippians 2:1-4 The Message)

Jesus Way 7: Forgiveness and Reconciliation

This was a major message and reality of the life of Jesus. He told us to forgive one another again and again. He told us we were to forgive our enemies. And as he was being crucified on a cross, he cried out to God, “Forgive them Father because they don’t understand.” He cries this prayer out for us as well. His most famous story about forgiveness is the one where the papa forgives the boy who has screwed things up, but the elder brother has a hard time doing the same thing. Forgiving is difficult. Yet God can help us through the process. And when possible, reconciliation with the one who has offended needs to happen. (Look at Matthew 5:43-48 The Message)

Jesus Way 8: Confronting That Which Is Wrong

Jesus taught that people need to confront the darkness in their own lives as well as dark things in the world like religious people who had lost the way of God and love, and people putting things like wealth and empire before God. As Jesus followers we need to know when to change our ways and when to confront the ways of the world that go against God’s kingdom or dream for the world. In Matthew 4, Jesus was led by the Spirit to be tested by the Devil. In that place Jesus had to choose the right and good voice amidst the wrong voices. And in Matthew 25, Jesus told a story of final judgement based on whether people fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited those in prison, cared for the sick, and gave a room to the homeless.

Jesus Way 9: Teaching or Passing On The Story of God, Jesus, and The Way

Jesus loved to teach. He told stories about God, the relationship between God and people, and the way of love. He taught in the synagogue, on the mountain, in the marketplace, and by the sea. Jesus could also look at the ordinary things of life like bread, yeast, a seed, and a farmer in a field and use them to talk about the ways of God. We can pass on The Jesus Way though stories, including our own, and by how we live our lives. A teaching we can look at is the sermon on the mountain in Matthew 5-7. Amazing.