Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Gospel of Inclusion

Over 25 years ago, when I was first starting ministry, I used to watch on tv and enjoy a pastor named Carlton Pearson. He was very dynamic and in the worship services of his church the musician Carmen would perform. Well, I was watching the morning news this week and Bishop Pearson was being interviewed about a life changing conversion experience he had recently. He was watching tv and seeing people from Ruwanda walking along looking sad, hungry, and defeated. Carlton knew that they were Muslim and he said to the Lord something like, "So they go through this kind of life and then you send them to hell!?" He heard the Lord say,"Is that what you think I do?" That began a process of Carlton's conversion. He's written a book called The Gospel of Inclusion which I've ordered but it is apparently about Bishop Carlton's new understanding that Jesus has died for the world, that the world has been saved, that all people will go to heaven, and that we are to help folks get out of the hell they are experiencing here and now in this life. Consequently, Carlton lost favor with and rejected by his colleagues and his church went from thousands to a small group. He was alone and finally invited by a church in San Francisco which included many gays and lesbians(I wonder if it was Glide Memorial UMC) and there he was welcomed, had his feet washed, and felt he truly experienced God. He has now started a new church proclaiming and seeking to live this gospel of inclusion.

I invite you to google his name, go to his web page, order his book, and see what you "think."

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