Saturday, December 02, 2006

Incarnation(having entered the world) of Christ Church

I was with them-we were with them for 12 years from 94 to 06. It was an amazing chapter in our life story. Lafayette and the church were the right places and people in which to raise David and Rachel. The church went on an adventure of thinking, struggling, praying and discerning, researching and organizing, and finally deciding to move 2 miles south to be about the Kingdom business. After constructing a pretty cool building, we did a number of other things like hiring an amazing staff. We also began the long, arduous, and absolutely fun journey of creating worship that spoke to younger seekers of God while continuing to address the needs of those cherishing the tradition. I'm also proud that we began and continue to feed 50 folks each week at the mental health drop in center and provide worship every Tuesday night at the homeless shelter. Young families came to the church with their children and came into their own. And we made such beautiful friends.

Now, we are gone. With their new leader Jim, they are moving into another cool chapter of life together. Three services begin tomorrow!

Now, we are gone. Such is life. Bless them Papa. Thank you Christ Church.


Anonymous said...

You're not gone! :) You and the LaSuer family legacy lives on here. :)

Mark Gaylor said...

And you're definitely not forgotten! Not a week goes by that I don't hear someone mention at least one member of the family. The LaSuer family legacy will touch this place for years to come.

P.S. Hope to have a chance to get together after the holidays!

Craig LaSuer said...

Mark, it would be good to meet with you....just let me know. We leave this Saturday for a trip and won't be back until the 25th.
