Monday, December 11, 2006

Bertand's Book

Hi. How you doing? I'm happy tonight. I'm sitting by a fireplace, and I'm reading.
I'm reading my grandfather's Bible. His name was Bertrand David Nysewander, and he was a UM pastor. This Bible consist of the New Testament and the Psalms....just a nice size book to carry for the journey.
I'm really enjoying reading this Bible because I'm reading it in a new way. I'm reading it through the lens of Jesus and the kingdom. It says that Jesus taught, preached, and lived out the "gospel of the kingdom." And then it goes on to paint a painting of what this gospel is. So far it's about healing, forgiveness, reconciliation, peace-making, trust, love for God, secretly praying and giving, being comforted, mercy, and being salt and light for this world that God has created and loves so very much.

I feel like my grandpa put this book into my hands!
I need to have it as a focus to know what "it" and what I am all about.
I need it to help others know what we're about ...that it's about the gospel of the kingdom in the church, but even more than that, the gospel of the kingdom on this earth.
And I need it to help us get past the language that our main business is "making disciples," because when we stop at that we are tempted to only count numbers and think we're accomplishing our goal. But our goal is to make disciples of Jesus who are fully called and devoted to both learn what that gospel means and then give the rest of their lives to proclaim it through word and deed.


Tom McCool said...

"Making disciples" is different from "winning souls," a phrase I've heard before (and likely so have you).

Winning is an endpoint. The game is over when somebody is "won" and the score is in the "book." Then it's on to the next "victory."

Making is a process. There may be an endpoint, or destination, in mind, but the process may take a long time - a lifetime, perhaps. I might describe myself as a disciple, but am I complete? Am I "made?"

The vision of discipleship given to us by Jesus himself is one that at times seems unattainable and unreachable, yet I continue in the process. Then God gives me a glimpse, a glimmer, a wisdom of what the kingdom of heaven really is and opens another door for me to pass through. And the process continues.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. What that means has been made clear. "Follow me," He said. Follow, I shall.

Craig LaSuer said...


Thanks for that response! I really like your understanding of "making" disciples. That helps me alot. You have to actually "start" working with someone, but then they can continue to be "crafted" to become like Jesus the rest of their life. Good stuff Thomas of Lafayette!