Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Connection Celebration

I have come to understand that the major part of my job is to create CONNECTIONS...
connections between pastors with pastors and churches with churches...
connections between these churches and the work of the church in the state of Indiana and the world...
and connections between pastors/churches with a vision that what we are all about is the changing of lives and the changing of the world.
Creating connections is a good thing because, as my papa would say, it is very important message to let people know in this world that they are not alone!
Maybe it's because I'm getting older that these relationships are becoming more and more important. I think about how wonderful and absolutely crucial are connections like:
Our family and the staff of the nursing home with my old mama and papa;
My bottomless adoration for my wife;
Our relationship with our children;
Our friendships;
Those who feel alone and just want someone to care;
The simple yet profound interactions we have with both folks we know and strangers
on a daily basis;
The invisible connections that hold our society and world together;
The one we have with the Source of our Shalom.

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