Friday, July 11, 2008

We have some bushes out back which I go out to visit once in a while. When I stop to look closely, I see all sorts of activity and life. I've seen butterflies on the flowers, beautiful green and yellow berries, and tiny bugs munching on the big leaves and having sex with one another.

Jesus said God's kingdom is like the life on this bush. He used examples like yeast helping transform the dough and a seed becoming a tree where the birds come to find rest. God's rule of love involves life, interaction, love, hidden power, beauty, and a way of inter-conncectedness and dependency in God's creation.

Rarely do I slow down to see the hidden life all around me, but today I did. Besides slowing down to see the bush, I walked, read, trimmed some bushes, picked some green and yellow berries and some yellow and orange Iris's to put in a vase, watched a Monk marathon, and did some writing.

Today was Sabbath for the soul, and I am so very thankful.

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