Monday, July 28, 2008

Fear....and Courage

I've asked for prayers about placing my parents in the nursing home,and that has been a scary journey. Even now, because of their grief, it's sort of scary to visit them.
But getting in touch with this fear in my belly has made me think about others and their fear. I think now of the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and the fears they face daily....soldiers dying or being seriously wounded...or the need to kill another human being. My fears have been real, but their fear and the fear of countless others, are ten thousand times more.

Plus, speaking about fear, I was reading an article yesterday about Nelson Mandela and his thoughts on leadership. He was seen as a man who was fearless. There is a story of a plane he was on and it started having engine problems. People began to panic, but Mandela continued reading the paper. After they landed with success, he shared with a confidant that he'd been terrified. He desired to "show" courage to others which he had done again and again in so many situations like when he was imprisoned for 25 years.

May Christ make us courageous or at least able to handle it in such a way to inspire others to carry on.

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