Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Walk

The old ballad goes,
"We must walk this lonely valley,
We must walk it all alone,
Nobody else can walk it for us;
We must walk it for ourselves."

There have been many times in my life
when this was true,
and I'm sure for you as well.

And it was definitely true for Jesus
this week among weeks.

And even though it is true, it is not true.
There is God, even if we can't always see how, walking with us.
There are others, even if we can't always see how, walking with us.
And all that God has ever made us to be and poured into us,
And all that others have made us to be and poured into us,
All of that is within us as we walk in the valley.
And the ultimate good news is that there is a Way out of the valley.

Yet, it is true. Even though it isn't true.

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