Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The Democratic debate is on right now. I'll watch it for a while.
First, they discussed attacks made against each other.
Now they are discussing their different universal health care policies. I really don't understand the difference, but I believe they both would go after it. OK, they need to shut up now about health care!
Now they have moved on to NAFTA. Hillary says it needs to be fixed. So does Barak. American workers have lost too many jobs. We believe in a global economy but need to help keep America competitive.
The subject is now who can be a better foreign policy leader. Boy I don't know who would be. Just a side note, I think our soldiers are absolute heroes, but that the Iraq War is absolutely wrong. Sad stuff. I saw a show last night about an American soldier who is home now, had his best friend killed there, and is extremely addicted to alcohol and marijuana...self medicating himself to get over his grief.
COMMERCIAL BREAK... I'm going to flip through the channels... and we're back.
They played a clip of Hillary making fun of Barak's speeches on "hope." Barak's response is that he has done lots of work for family's who have faced tough times.
She says she is not just a talker but a fighter. They both agree that the common people are hurting and overlooked.
OK I left the debate for a minute to put Jamie out to pee pee, and I visited the bathroom myself. I also got a drink in a cute little green bottle...and I'm back.
Tim Russert is one of the interviewers, and I really like him. He's smart and tough. I was with some pastors in an airport in NYC and we ran into Russert. I told him I liked his work, and he mentioned my mullet! I told him it was about "business in the front and a party in the back!"
Oh good. There was some laughter among the candidates and the crowd. Very needed!
I really like Barak, but both these candidates, and McCain, are really good folks.
Now they are talking about Russia and Putin's replacement. Putin's hand picked replacement. Barak just affirmed the former Clinton Administration and its work with NATO.
Hillary just said if she could do it over, she would not have voted to go into Iraq. But, she says now it is time for America to look forward. Barak is saying he respects McCain, but he will continue much of Bush's policies. He is also saying Hilllary would make a good nominee, but that he believes he can unite all kinds of people in the general election. Hillary is saying that either she or Barak will make history if they are elected, but she says she has fought for healthcare and many other things for the regular folks of America.
I'm glad I watched. It was a good debate. I'm proud of America, and I too believe in HOPE!
A final word: I know that 75% of the reason we are democrat or republican is due to how we were raised. And that's not all bad. Heritage is something to be proud of, and we need diversity of thought. I was raised in a strong democrat family. I've mostly voted for democrats, but I have also voted for republicans and independents. I just wanted to say a word about something said tonight in the debate. Brian Williams asked Barak about the report that said he had voted even more liberal than Ted Kennedy. Barak told why he had voted as he did on certain things, and then he said that the day is here when many people are tiring of the old labels of conservative and liberal and desire to think through the issues and unite for new beginnings. Wow, that is definitely post-modern, and I think is one of the reasons he is a breath of fresh air for many folks and is emerging as the front runner. Labels are starting to disappear, and we are thinking through and hoping for both good news and new beginnings in America and the world.


Tom McCool said...

Interesting that they are debating NAFTA when the trade deficit is narrowing due to a weak dollar against other currencies. Right now exports are rising sharply and are cushioning the current recession. A rise in exports translates into more American jobs, and unemployment continues to be low despite the recession. Exports and imports will go up and down depending on the US economy and that has little to nothing to do with NAFTA.

Craig LaSuer said...

Maybe the conversation was happening because so many jobs have been lost in Ohio, and that primary is next Tuesday.

Tom McCool said...

Oh I have no doubt it's a political move. I think the recent decline in the consumer confidence index may be linked to politicians running around the country telling everyone that the economy stinks and only they can fix it.

Thoughts From Jeff said...

Let me just say, living in Ohio was fun from the debate to march 4th :)