Friday, January 04, 2008

I Don't Know

Watching the HBO show The Wire. You should check it out.
Us rich, isolated folks don't know anything about reality on the streets.
It seems there are some brave people trying to make hope possible where little exists.
I don't know if you and me will ever make any difference in this world.
Maybe we do, I don't know. Seeing a real show with real darkness, makes me wonder.
How much in this world is going on that we DON'T want to know about?
God help us. Maybe one or two of us will be brave too.


Tom McCool said...

Read a book recently called Justice in the Burbs. It's about just what you're saying. How can the middle class (I wouldn't say I'm rich!) make a real difference beyond the walls of their churches? The book tries to answer that. One radical thing the authors say is that we have to decide if we are becoming too insular with church committees and activies and not moving beyond the walls of the church. When you factor in all the things going on in a typical middle class family like kids' activies, school, etc, and then you're active in your church, when do you find the time to hit the streets, so to speak?

Also reminds me of a Lynyryd Skynyrd song titled Things Goin' On. Goes like this:

Have you ever been down in the ghetto?
Have you ever felt that cold wind blow?
If you don't know what I mean, won't you stand up and scream,
Cause there's things goin' on you don't know.

Craig LaSuer said...
