Friday, January 25, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things

The air that we breathe
Om mani padme hum
Father son holy spirit
Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow
Be here now
Eyes to see and ears to hear
Scientists who make the world a better place
Taking a walk in the woods or by the river
The way that a farm field looks in summer spring winter and fall
The good news of the kingdom
The family of God can change a life and the world
Vincent van goth
Tv shows like ncis csi numbers and all great movies like ghandi
I love joy david rachel jamie and you
As the dooby brothers say jesus is just alright with me jesus is just alright oh yeah
The andy griffith show
Reading a good book while sitting by the fire
A good whiskey sour (What is it about Christians that makes me scared to include this?)
Love God with all your heart soul strength and mind
Helen keller said life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all
The emergent church
Listening to the waves of the ocean


Thoughts From Jeff said...

I just have one question, what would be a good whiskey sour to go with a fine cigar ?

Craig LaSuer said...