Wednesday, January 23, 2008

God Sitting Next To Me

Last night, I lead our base group in a Bible study. The group has grown quite close since coming together about 4 years ago. After going through several Christian living studies, several in the group decided they wanted a Bible based study and asked if I would lead it.

I had a Bible study that I picked up at the last UMC Men's conference I attended. I kept it around thinking someday I might need it. It's designed as a low commitment study for seekers or those new to the Bible, but there is ample opportunity to dig deeper.

As we talked about Abraham and faith, it opened a door for many questions about faith, salvation, and grace. I thank God that I have read enough about this, and even recently had written down some of what I have learned in this area. God gave me the words to speak and calmed my nervousness. I'm always so afraid I'm going to get something wrong! I literally had no time to prepare. We were away all weekend and not sure if we could even attend. I had skimmed over the first lesson about a month ago, and the hosts of our base group meeting had the book in case we couldn't make it. I was definitely winging it, but God was sitting next to me.

Well, it all worked out. The conversation was amazing. Their appreciation was apparent. I feel very lucky to be part of a great group of people who desire a relationship with Christ, and want to go further on their journey.

Lord, help me be a spiritual leader for my friends. Amen.

1 comment:

Craig LaSuer said...

Tom, I am so happy that these basically young Jesus followers have you as a teacher and a mentor. I can't think of a better dude for God to choose! And yes, how cool is it that the Lord is right there making it happen.