Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes

So, this very spooky thing happened today!!! I have been dealing with an intense crisis situation in one of my churches for about two months now and it is all unfolding and exploding this week. And in the middle of things today, I was feeling the powerful presence of the Lord. All of a sudden Trevor IM's me these silly words,"Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes." So, I tell Joy what the silly boy just sent me, and she informs me that at that very moment, she is working on some kind of classroom project and the words she was working with were "heads shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes." So, Trevor, Joy and I absolutely freak out, and Trev and I begin to try to figure out what it is we just experienced.

I still don't know what it meant, but I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was seeking to say something in a loud and clear voice. Something for me...perhaps something for you...some kind of message like
"I am here."
"You are not alone."
"My power is made perfect in weakness."
"There is an underlying force, harmony, and unity at hand."
"Behold, the rule of God's love is near."
"There is something to learn."
"Keep singing."


Trevor Harden said...

Like I told Craig, I have absolutely no idea why I wrote those words. I just looked down, saw he was on Instant Messenger, and that was the first thing that came to mind to type to him. Bizarre and yet... perhaps not that bizarre. It certainly said to ME that there is always something unseen and bigger at work behind the scenes.

Thoughts From Jeff said...

I think that it also reminds of the simple things in life.

The song is simple and "child-like". God has called us to have child-like faith.

Also, I think that we, as churches, make things way more complicated than they need to be. It should not be this hard and complicated.

in a post on my blog last month, I mentioned that I am striving to live by 7 words and I think if churches would adopt the attitute .. most if not all probs would cease to exist.

Be in Relationship.
Love God.
Love Others.

I hope you can "fix" the problem through God's strength and grace.