Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bow Before the One

So, what kinds of things are holding your life together right now?
I have a piece of paper in my Bible that says,"I bow before the king."
It reminds me to do this once a day.
I pray on my knees.
I come before the One that is the king...that is creating the kingdom in my life, the life of my family, and the world.
I bow before the One and pour out my prayers for folks who need them.
There is something about the physical act of bowing which makes the time of prayer more significant...and it reminds me of my relationship with the one to whom I pray.
I don't write this to get brownie points. It just means so much to me...and I need those things that keep me hanging in there... so I thought I'd share it.
There's something to posture....both physical and spiritual posture...and in this case, the posture of bowing.
And this fits my theology because I believe and trust that the good news of the kingdom of God is at hand for my life, through my life for others,and for this world.
So I bow before the One who brings that good news.
I bow before the king.

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