Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Message?!

The Message that I believe in, proclaim, and seek to live out is
that God loves us and this world...and that God is like a King bringing about God Kingdom in our lives and this world...and that we can join God in this Revolution of Hope.
But this Message is in the midst of times of utter devastation in China and Myanmar...the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.
In China a middle school collapses and 900 children die.
I have trouble embracing the good news in the midst of so much pain. I cannot fully understand how God has the final say...the ultimate "Yes!" of Love and Hope for the lives of those children and families and so many more who have walked the beautiful yet shaky paths on this earth.
But I have no other choice. I must continue to proclaim...and to do my little part to make the Message so.

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