Sunday, April 22, 2007

Like a Bloom Ready to Burst

Jesus said,"I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God...for I was sent for this purpose." (Luke 4:43,44) Wow! That's an amazing scripture. Jesus' main message in Matthew, Mark, and Luke was that the kingdom of God is at hand ready to burst forth like a bloom in spring. Disciples of Jesus are experiencing, teaching, and advancing this kingdom of God by:

1) Experiencing the kingdom and being transformed...developing eyes to see and ears to hear the kingdom...loving God who loves our lives to Jesus and his ways.

2) Being servants.

3) Offering healing to the broken and going to the outcasts.

4) Doing kingdom things quietly without making a big deal out of it.

5) Forgiving those who hurt us just as God forgives us.

6) Doing God's will. (radical obedience)

7) Rejecting and confronting false kingdoms.

8) Using our God given talents and resources to further the kingdom.

9) Living in community.

I desire to give my life and help others give their lives to this Kingdom, Way, Reason for Being, Rule of God's Love, Story, Revolution, Conversation, and That which the life of Jesus was about and which he gave his life for.

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