Tuesday, December 02, 2008

We're Not Alone

My dad keeps saying that he wishes he could pastor a church again. I asked him the other day that if he was pastoring again, what would he preach about. He paused and pondered, and then my 86 year old papa said, "I'd tell them that we need each other and that we are not alone."

***Our friend Jonnie is staying out at the Peacefield farm with Kev and Jen. She's not alone...and neither are they.

***I had to make a very tough decision over the last two days and to do that I discussed the matter with Joy, my brother Steve, and my friends Frank and Barb...and of course, the Lord. I am not alone.

***Thanksgiving was at our house and there was a good and deep connection with family. We are not alone!

***I attended a funeral today in an African American Church for a man named Richard who was a nationally known musician and composer as well as a locally honored teacher, but died at age 58. The church was full of people who prayed, praised, and proclaimed with power to each other and especially to his family that we are not alone!

So preach it papa. Preach it with power. And praise be to God that we have one another, and that we are not alone.

P.S. The picture is my mommy and doggie re-united at Thanksgiving.


JonM said...

I made God laugh today.

It was very satisfying. I did something goofy and fun, and it gave me such joy that I laughed out loud.

It was an honest laugh, not a mean laugh.

It was happy, and infectious. A laugh of pure innocence and joy. I just kept smiling about it, and then I laughed.

That's when I knew that I made God laugh too.

God likes to laugh about stuff.

God's into some serious business, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't take himself too seriously. Why else would he give us silliness and laughter? And all these different
shapes we have, and all of our funny accents, and unusual views of things. Let's be honest, we are
very amusing at times.

How about puppies? You want to hear God laugh? Add one puppy to any young child on the planet.

Listen closely, there it is, God laughing out loud, in pure joy, so happy that two of his creatures find such delight in each other.

You have to love God for things like that. And you do too, any time the two of you share a laugh.

That's how you'll always know that you're not alone.

Craig LaSuer said...

I agree. Lately, when I laugh out loud, I notice it, and I am so thankful for those moments of pure joy.