Sunday, August 24, 2008

An Underlying Reality Of Hope

Amidst the great beauty of this world, there is also much pain and death.
I do not clearly understand how the good and God win out in the end.
But if I chose to believe that there is not a greater good than all the bad, I would never again be a messenger of what the rabbi calls the "good news."
So...I do choose to hold on, with all my might, to the life view that the good, the beautiful, the just, and the final and resounding YES! will embrace the whole of humanity and the creation. How? That, I do not know.

But while we yet move and breathe and have our being on this earth, we are given the opportunity to make this view of life known to those around us and the world.
A mom steadfastly not giving up on a daughter who couldn't give a damn,
and a daughter finally giving a damn taking care of her aging mother,
The workers in a nursing home who care for people's fathers and mothers with kindness and dignity,
A soldier giving his life for his cause and country,
A former alcoholic giving his life to set others free from that same substance,
A baby whose innocence, smile, and trust warms ones heart,
A man hanging on a cross forgiving his murderers.

We both look for and choose to be the signs of an underlying reality of hope.

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