Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Way

The Way of Jesus

* One who loves and is in relationship with God.
I love you God of the Universe. You are Light and Peace and Power. You make the beauty of sunrises and sunsets happen consistently on the horizon as well as in our inner being.

* One who seeks to do God's will and further the rule of God's love in people's lives and on this planet.
Once a week, Joysie and I go to Ft. Wayne to see my parents. Today we took them to the Botanical Gardens, went out to eat, and bought groceries. Sometimes it ain't easy but it always feels right and good.

* Those who trust that God loves and cares for us, has Power to give us and those we love, and desires us not to freak out so much. (even though we humans can freak out good!) He said quite often, "Where's your faith dudes!"

* Folks who are servants.
Herb would park further from the church doors than anyone so that others could park closer.

* Healers.
Pray-ers. Listeners. Nurses. Touch-ers.

* Those who are in a God community on a mission.
Lutherans, Baptists, Folks in AA, teachers, Jews in the synagogue, Monks............

* People who forgive and are merciful.
When possible this forgiveness, which in some cases can take years, should lead to reconciliation. He taught us this as he was dying.

* Those who confront that which is wrong or not part of His rule of love.
Christ, MLK, Ghandi, Lincoln, and maybe us in little ways now and again.

* We teach(mostly through story) and demonstrate(through the story of our lives) the Way of Jesus and the Way of the Kingdom.
Once there was a man who had two sons......
In a galaxy far, far away...
Today in the botanical gardens....

To this Way, I can give my life.


Tom McCool said...

Can you provide the citation for when Jesus said, "Where's your faith, dudes!" ???? Is that in Matthew or John????


Craig LaSuer said...

It's in the Revised LaSuer Dude Version!