Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Shalom Church

The next meeting of Shalom Church, an Emergent Cohort, will meet at the LaSuer home in Marion Saturday August 4th at 5:30pm. We'll start with a meal and then be working together through a workbook by Marcus Borg based on his book The Heart of Christianity. If you haven't read the book, it's amazing.
Love to have you come to the gathering.

So, we're heading out for a week and again disconnecting from the computer, cell phone, and the work world. I pray, that like Jesus, you will have a mystical and wonderful connection to the One, a passion to do his bidding, and a relaxation and trust to stop worrying about the stuff.



Rev. C. S. Roberts said...

You mean you aren't covering The Gospel According to Starbucks?

Craig LaSuer said...

You know, that might be a good idea. But Frank Beard and I miscommunicated, so I wasn't able to pick up my Bundle at Conference. I'll have my AA order them today. But anyway, this Marcus Borg stuff is good!

Becca said...

I got the Borg book from the library and I'm reading it now...looking forward to Saturday! What can I bring?

Craig LaSuer said...


Joy says bring some kind of salad.

Glad you're coming!