Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Freedom to Think

I have been considering beginning a new church. As I've pondered what a community might be like, there's certain core values emerging. One of them is that people will have 'the freedom to think.' So, in this community:
* We can discuss scriptures, and at times as present day theologians, challenge or even disagree with what they say.
* We will make the Jesus way the priority of our attention and yet people can share other aspects of their spiritual journey whether it's Buddhism, Native American thought and practice, or how music, literature, movies, or the time they spend on the computer impacts their adventure of becoming the people God desires for them to become.
* We will be able to discuss, struggle with, study, disagree, and pray about such issues and realities like homosexuality.

Dr. William Mayo of the Mayo Clinic once said, "Instruction from teachers and books teaches a man what to think, but the great need is that he should learn how to think." My experience with a number of wonderful young adults is that they are indeed learning how to think, but that they have found out that this is not suppose to happen in the church. So they leave, because in the church, they are told what they must and must not think.

The writings of Brian McLaren gave my wife Joy and I the freedom to think within wrestle with what we believe, what we don't believe, what are the fresh new ways to embrace scripture, the ways we figured out to be most faithfully following the radical rabbi from Nazareth. This permission to think has kept our journey with God alive. I desire to create a community of people who are given that same permission and opportunity.


Trevor Harden said...

Sounds beautiful and important and inspiring! I think you're on to something... where do I sign up? :-)

Craig LaSuer said...

Thanks my friend. Come to our home in Marion Friday night to put in your two cents....or wait for further instructions.