Monday, October 23, 2006

Our Mission Is About God's Dream

I just finished preparing for the upcoming gathering/conversation in Indy about McLaren's book The Secret Message of Jesus. It is so inspiring! As I travel around to the 59 churches in my district, a couple of things stand out. One is that the people and power of God are both alive and well in churches both large and small. The second is that the church must learn that the goal is not ultimately about the church. If the church "gives up its life, it will find it."

The main vision the book says Jesus was about is "What is God's Dream for the world and what can we do to work along with God to bring it about?"...not... "How can the world make the church be all it can be?"

So, the church is on a mission. We do want a strong church, but that is not the ultimate mission. The mission is God's Dream. I'm watching Star Trek-The Next Generation right now. The mission is not for there to be a strong starship Enterprise. It is for a strong Enterprise to fulfill the mission of exploring the universe. Our Bishop phrases it like this..."making disciples for the transformation of the world."

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