Friday, November 03, 2006


Wow. Got a day off. Kind of.
So tired. Ready to ......listen to music cranked up.
Rachel's coming home today. ....that's cool.
Life can get pretty freaking serious.
Jamie dog is sleeping in the sun...inside that is....fairly cold outside.
Leader of the Evangelicals who's combated homosexuality is accused of homosexuality.
But we are all human....true?
Need to go to a movie soon.
Are there humans out there?
I hope Kevin's new job is good stuff.
I hope Christ Church's 3rd service goes excellently.
I wonder if there is still a Lafayette over's like a parallel universe thing.
Ok, I'm out of here.


Anonymous said...

Ya! There's a Lafayette over here! Here's to hoping we can hang out again soon.

(BTW - want to see a movie? Borat is grossly offensive but absolutely hilarious!!!)

Thoughts From Jeff said...

I liked the Prestige ... it has been out for awhile now.